Shop Policies

Order Processing Time

Our current order processing time is 1 to 2 business days. Once your order ships, you will receive an email with tracking information.


We ship all orders via United States Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx from Kennewick, Washington (99336). Free standard or ground shipping is offered for all U.S. orders over $75. We charge a flat rate of $9.99 for shipping for orders under $75, or a flat rate of $7.99 for orders of small items totaling less than 1 lb.

Local Delivery

Local delivery is available for any order over $25.00 to a customer residing within 10 miles of Kennewick, Washington (99336). 


We accept returns and exchanges for unused products for any reason - including if you simply don’t love the scent. Returns must be in their original condition to be accepted. This includes:
  • Candles that have not been lit;
  • Wax melts that have not been broken; and,
  • Incense in its original packaging and quantity.
We do not accept used products for returns or exchanges. To initiate a return, email with the details of which products you will be returning, exchanging, and return reason. Please note customers are responsible for return shipping to Gleaux Shop and the candle must arrive in the same condition it was sent in. Shipping costs are not refundable for returned candles.


If the conditions for a return are met, a refund will be issued in the form of original payment. Shipping costs are not refundable for returned candles.

Damaged Items

If your candle was damaged in transit, please email as soon as possible with a photo of your damaged candle. We will ship a replacement to you as soon as possible. You will not need to return the damaged candle.